For those of you that have been living on the other side of this photography moon. A gallery wrap is a picture that is printed on canvas and stretched around a frame. They are a nice touch if you are looking for something a little more artistic then an everyday print!!
Since Nations Photo Lab, Check them out here: was having a sale I decided to get two. Why not right?? So I scimmed through all my images I have on my hard drive and was hard pressed to find which image I wanted. I have plently of images of my babies but I figured I should pick something that showcased what else I could do. So I picked a family photo I recently took! I have known this family for a long time!! (I actually photographed their daughter when she was a day old!!) (Isn't she LOVELY??!)
Anyway, back to the point! Here is a picture of their family photo on a wrap!!
Alright!! So Mark your calenders March 23 & 24th Christ Community Church come on out and check my booth as well as many other amazing buisness that are show casing your talents!!
Love always, Charity